Rhedwn ar frys mawr ydyw'r fraint

(Y mae gorphwysfa etto yn ol i bobl Dduw)
1,2,3a,4,5,(6),7  1,2,3a,4,6,7;  1,2,6;  1,3b,2.
Rhedwn ar frys
    mawr ydyw'r fraint,
Y nef yw diwedd
    gyrfa'r saint;
  Er maint yw'r llid
      par'tow'd ein lle,
  Ym mynwes Nâf
      o fewn y ne'.

Mi âf y'mlaen er pelled yw,
I'r wlad 'rwy' am fyn'd iddi fyw;
  O'r diwedd tiria'm henaid gwan,
  O ddyfnder moroedd mawr i'r lann.

Draw mae'm Iesu mawr a'm Duw,
A brodyr fyrddiwn i mi'n byw;
  Mae yno rai'n clodfori o hyd,
  Fu'n teithio gyda
      mi'n y byd.

[Draw mae ein Iesu mawr a'n Duw,
 A brodyr fyrddiwn i ni'n byw;
   Mae yno rai'n clodfori o hyd,
   Fu'n teithio gyda
       ni yn y byd.]

Cyn byddo hîr ni ddown ynghyd
O eitha pedwar
    cwrr y byd,
  O'r gogledd, de,
      a'r dwyrain bell
  I gael mwynâu cymdeithas well.

Câf yno weled oll ynghyd,
Y saint o bedwar cwrr y byd;
  Câf orphen ar fy llafur waith
  A chanu i drag'wyddoldeb maith.

Saint orfoleddant yn gytun,
Pan welont arwydd Mab y Dyn;
  Fel bore wawr o'r dwyrain draw,
  Sy'n dangos fod yr haul ger llaw.

Ni wêl 'tifeddion nefol hedd
Ddim llid na digter Yn ei wedd,
  Esgynant oll yn lluoedd llon
  I wledda'n siriol ger ei fron.
Draw mae'm Iesu mawr :: Yno mae Iesu mawr

- - - - -

(Rhedeg yr Yrfa)
Rhedwn ar frys,
    mawr ydyw'r fraint,
Y nef yw diwedd
    gyrfa'r saint;
  Er maint yw'r llid,
      par'tow'd ein lle,
  Ym mynwes Naf
      o fewn y ne'.

Mae yno heddiw rai yn iach
Ro'dd ffarwel im' dros ronyn bach;
  Yn ddistaw iawn dianghasant hwy
  I'r Saboth sy
      heb ddiwedd mwy.

Pan ddysgwyf nabod iaith y wlad
A phur ganiadau tŷ fy Nhad,
  Dechreuaf gân
      am farwol glwy
  Na chlywir diwedd arni mwy.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Derby (<1829)
Luther's Chant (Charles Zeuner 1795-1857)
St Paul (<1875)
Winchester (Bartholomäus Crasselius 1667-1724)

  Gwnawd ffordd i'r nef gan Iesu cu
  Mi âf yn mlaen er pelled yw
  Pa beth all mwyach ddwyn ein bryd?
  Pererin wyf tua Salem bur
  Saint gorfoleddant yn gytun
  Trafaelwyr ym i'r Ganaan glyd

(There is still a rest left for the people of God)
Let us run hurriedly,
    great is the privilege,
Heaven is the end
    of the course of the saints,
  Though extensive is the wrath
      prepared was our place,
  In the bosom of of the Lord
      within heaven.

I will go on although it is so far,
To the land where I am going to live;
  Eventually my weak soul will land,
  Up from the depth of great seas.

Yonder is my great Jesus and my God,
And myriads of brothers to me living;
  There are those always praising
  Who were travelling with
      me in the world.

[Yonder is our great Jesus and our God,
 And myriads of brothers to us living;
  There are those always praising
  Who were travelling with
      us in the world.]

Before long we will come together
From the extreme four
    corners of the world,
  From the north, south,
      and the far east
  To get to enjoy a better fellowship.

There I will get to see all together,
The saints from four corners of the world;
  I will get to finish my labour of work
  And sing for a vast eternity.

The saints will rejoice in agreement,
When they see the sign of the Son of Man;
  Like the morning dawn from yonder east,
  Which shows that the sun is at hand.

The heirs of heavenly peace shall not see
Any wrath or anger in his face,
  They will all ascend in cheerful hosts
  To feast happily before him.
Yonder is my great Jesus :: There is great Jesus

- - - - -

(Running the Course)
Let us run hurriedly,
    great is the privilege,
Heaven is the end
    of the course of the saints;
  Despite how great is the wrath,
      Our place is prepared,
  In the Master's bosom
      within heaven.

There today are those safe
Who bade me farewell only a while ago;
  Very quietly they escaped
  To the Sabbath that is
      without any more end.

While I wait to know the land's language
And the pure songs of my Father's house,
  I shall begin a song
      about a mortal wound
  Whose end shall never more be heard.
tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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